Tell the EPA - We need stronger standards to cut climate pollution from power plants

Fossil fuel-fired power plants are one of the largest sources of carbon pollution driving climate change. Climate change leads to poor air quality, further exacerbating negative health outcomes like respiratory disease, heart disease, and other illnesses caused by toxic air pollution from power plants and other sources.
Climate change is also driving more frequent and intense extreme weather events. From hurricanes to heat waves to wildfires to flooding, communities across the country are experiencing the impacts of the climate crisis firsthand.
The Biden administration has proposed standards to cut climate pollution from coal and natural gas-fired power plants. This proposal is a critically important step forward.
In addition to this proposal, we are asking the EPA to achieve greater cuts to pollution from more sources as fast as possible due to the threat of climate change. We also ask the administration to take action for community protections, including rigorous monitoring, verification, and enforcement and engagement with communities, both on safeguards and on individual projects.
This benefits all of us.
As proposed, these standards would slash carbon pollution by 617 million metric tons and provide up to $85 billion in net climate and public health benefits. On an annual basis the standards would avoid 1,300 premature deaths, 800 hospital and ER visits, more than 300,000 asthma attacks, 38,000 school absences, and 66,000 lost work days.
Our climate can't wait. Sign today and tell the EPA they must take action and finalize the strongest possible standards to cut climate pollution from power plants.
Attn: Environmental Protection Agency
Docket Number: EPA–HQ–OAR–2023–0072
I am writing to express my strong support for the Biden administration's proposed standards to cut climate pollution from coal- and natural gas-fired power plants. EPA's proposal is a critically important step forward, and I encourage the agency to achieve greater cuts to pollution from more sources on the fastest possible timelines in recognition of the threat of climate change. The administration must also take action for community protections and input, including rigorous monitoring, verification, and enforcement and engagement with communities, both on safeguards and on individual projects.
As proposed, these standards would slash carbon pollution by 617 million metric tons and provide up to $85 billion in net climate and public health benefits. On an annual basis the standards would avoid 1,300 premature deaths, 800 hospital and ER visits, more than 300,000 asthma attacks, 38,000 school absences, and 66,000 lost work days.As we know, fossil fuel-fired power plants are one of the largest sources of carbon pollution driving climate change. Climate change leads to poor air quality, further exacerbating negative health outcomes like respiratory disease, heart disease, and other illnesses caused by toxic air pollution from power plants and other sources. Climate change is also driving more frequent and intense extreme weather events. From hurricanes to heat waves to wildfires to flooding, communities across the country are experiencing the impacts of the climate crisis firsthand.
Our climate can't wait. The EPA must act by early 2024 to finalize the strongest possible standards to cut climate pollution from power plants.
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