Stop Animal Suffering in Western Australia

  • by: Franklin Hynes
  • recipient: The West Australian government. Specifically: The Speaker and Members of Legislative Assembly of Parliament of Western Australia; Minister for Agriculture and Food , Alannah MacTiernan; WA Premier, Mark McGowan.

It is too late for this poor horse, left to starve to death and caught in fencing wire, in a last desperate struggle to live. #animals

 It is not too late, to demand more RSPCA inspectors to investigate instances of animal cruelty and prevent this happening again.

 The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) is responsible for investigating an ever-increasing amount of animal cruelty cases in the State of Western Australia. 

Currently, the RSPCA has only 11 inspectors to cover the whole of Western Australia. They desperately need another 11 inspectors, in order to adequately investigate the current level of animal cruelty in this vast state.

The Western Australian government provides $350,000 per year to the RSPCA. The current cost of maintaining inspections is $3,000,000. It is painfully obvious, that there is a vast shortfall, which the Society struggles to cover with public donations. 

Let us, together, tell our government that this is 2017, not 1417. It is well established that animals are sentient beings too. We need to start recognising this in our legislation and our budgets. 

Therefore: We ask the Western Australian State Government to provide increased funding to the RSPCA. This funding should, at the very least, cover the cost of the salaries, for another 11 RSPCA inspectors empowered to conduct investigations into animal cruelty complaints. It is also necessary to improve our current animal legislation, the attitude of the judiciary and increase penalties for those who seek to harm animals.

Update #17 years ago
Thank you to all the wonderful people who signed my petition. I really appreciate your help for the animals.
Sadly, I am not getting many Western Australian signatures, which would, I think, help persuade our government to fund more RSPCA inspectors to investigate our growing number of animal cruelty cases.
Therefore, I plan to host this petition on a few more sites and I am not getting enough signatures on Care2.
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