First Amendment protection and free practice
Over the course of many years the DEA in the FDA has put foul implementations and disrespect to our first amendment rights by not allowing us the right to choose to a spiritual sector but only an orthodox sector that is still trying to be controlled. This petition is to ensure and to speak the word and voice of the people who want to practice their own ideas without persecution whether it be using psychedelic Sacrament or using natural healing as a means. That being said there is considered a holistic churches that look at Mother Earth and the spiritual Bounty of all religions it shouldn't be sector to just one religious belief but also spiritual beliefs which falls under higher power. This petition is to ensure that the government lets the people practice as they will without any threat or moral disgrace to society or to the government's guidelines when it comes to legalities under the FDA and DEA they need to know that they have no right to deny the American People's First Amendment rights to practice and use any sacraments or practices of natural healing and alternatives to spiritual well-being and growth. Join us and thousands upon thousands of others to stand up to our government that has fallen to pieces and take back what is rightfully ours our bodies minds and souls.
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