Since the beginning of civilization people have been looking at other cultures and people and telling them they are living wrong in some cases forcing another lifestyle on them completely. I am a firm believer if the lifestyle dose not harm you or your property or other people or ther property then they should be left to practice what it is they do especially if they are in a different country raised in this culture. I as an American believe it's ok to eat beef and pork on a regular basis. Some cultures do not share this belief but they are not forcing there will on me to stop. Ther are some cultures that eat dog and cat as a meal and even have festivals around such meals. I for one own a dog and she is my best friend and could not imagine eating a pet ever but in there culture they are raised as livestock and treated as such. They have every right in that culture to eat what they want as do we. WE as free people should know better to push our beliefs on other cultures. We are free to do as we choose and so should they be. STOP PUSHING your beliefs on other cultures especially if they live in their own country.