Ban Should be Imposed on Quebic for Tethering Dogs All Day!

  • by: Vicenta Rouch
  • recipient: WWF, UNO, President of United Nations!

Montreal SPCA wants ban on tethering dogs outside all day. This makes a sense, because animals also need recreation as they are sentient beings. So, this is not fair to tie the dogs all day long.

Many related incidents are seen worldwide and are not put into consideration. Animals are treated in a very indecent way. Such activities are open violation of animal rights. But unfortunately no one pays heed to it and thinks it as a trivial matter, which is the sheer disrespect and disrehard of living beings.

This is a high time, we must stand for animals rights. Animals are not meant to be used as a watchman or peon. They also need care as they are quite sensitive. Please join us for this noble cause.

Vicenta Rouch- Animal Activist at

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