Make sick children smile again!

We are here today to create a petition for poorly children who are stuck all day in a hospital bed. Our goal is to visit children whom are sick and try and make them smile and have fun, even if we see them for only a couple of minutes this should and we hope will make them happy for a weak, a day, an hour or even make them smile which is something they deserve. This cause is very special for us because everyone deserves to be happy no matter the circumstances and if we were in their shoes, we also would want to be happy. We ask only 5 000 signatures and a budget of 150 euros to make this be a reality, all the money will be spent for buying little gifts for the children. We are trying to spread joy and hope for the families as well who are as well victims in these matters and who would love to see their loved ones happy and filled with joy. If we manage to achieve our goal, we shall go to the hospital dressed up in Super-Heroes or Disney characters and visit every child we can to make them laugh, give hugs and at the end of each visit give a little gift… This is why we are launching the #BringBackFun so we can bring back some light into these children's lifes and to make everyone remember that some people aren't in a good place and deserve help. Thank you if you donate and if we achieve our goal an Instagram page shall be created where we upload photos of our visits. Thank you.

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