Make First Offense Animal Abuse A Felony!

There are way too many animal abusers getting off the hook. So far, the states are only charging a misdemeanor for the first offense. Basically telling these abusers to go out and do it again and saying to others, it's ok to abuse an animal..."it's only a misdemeanor ". Make the abusers pay for their crimes. Animal Abuse is the first step before they start abusing children, the elderly, then becoming murderers. It's a cycle that can be stopped! I am a member of the ASPCA , shelter volunteer, animal rescue transporter and animal activist. I am their voice!

To All State Representatives:

Please look into the laws of each state that charges first time animal abusers as a misdeamnor.  This charge should be moved to a felony, regardless of the type of abuse.  Place strict fines,  longer sentenced jail time and to be forever denied the right to own any type of animal ever again.  

The animal abuse statistics are overwhelmingly high and needs your attention to stop the cruelty , pain, and suffering these loving, trusting,  and loyal animals are experiencing. 

Anything you can do to help these animals is truly appreciated.  

Update #17 years ago
Again, thank you all for your signatures! 1,128! On to the goal of 2,000.

Keep sharing! Together, WE CAN DO THIS!
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