Support Property Owner's Right to Demolish an old structure at 75 Bridge Street, Old Town Bluffton

WE, Jamie and Lori Guscio, are petitioning residents/voters in the Town of Bluffton, SC to support us in seeking to raze the small dilapidating house on our property, 75 Bridge Street, Old Town Bluffton.

Although the house is completely INELIGIBLE to be included on the National Registry of Historic Places, the Town Council (except for one member) denied our request to remove it from the Contributing Structures list. There has never been anyone significant to American history or Bluffton Township history associated with it. It lost any and all eligible integrity when moved from its original location in the 1980s. Currently, it is falling in from the inside, the only seemingly stable parts being the porches added to the structure 20 years ago.

We are seeking to raze the structure in order to build a small/safe family home on our private property. If you agree with us that we should have the right to do so, we ask that you support us with your signature.  The Bluffton Historic Preservation Committee will have the final vote on our request for demolition.  We hope to show them that we have a significant amount of support from actual Bluffton residents/voters.

Thank you for your support! 

Update #24 years ago
Tomorrow is the BIG DAY. The HPC votes on our demo request during a live-streamed meeting beginning at 6PM. We would love an overwhelming number of Public Comments submitted on our behalf. If you are a Town of Bluffton resident/property owner & would lend your support once more, we would greatly appreciate it. Comments must be submitted BEFORE 4PM Wednesday, June 3rd to or emailed to
All the Best to you,
Jamie & Lori Guscio
Update #14 years ago
Its been over a year and we are finally scheduled to go before the Bluffton HPC for our demo request. This is the FINAL decision as to whether or not we can move forward with razing the dilapidated building on our property. We appreciate your support as we move forward. We would love to have you join in on the coming meetings electronically and welcome support in comments. We will send the dates and times in the coming days as well as recirculating our petition. Many thanks, Jamie and Lori
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