Release To Each His Own (1946) to American Audiences

To Each His Own (1946) is an American drama that tells the story of a single mother, portrayed by Olivia de Havilland, whose lover dies in World War I, who gives her son up for adoption in the hope of getting him back and becomes a successful businesswoman. The movie tells her story through flashback as she is talking to Lord Desham, played by Roland Culver, as they are citizens watching for an air raid in London. The film was nominated for three Academy Awards, and won Olivia de Havilland her first Best Actress Oscar (she later won another for 1949's The Heiress,currently on DVD).

The film was released on VHS in 1998, and somehow wasn't renewed for mass distribution, even though in Europe, the film is already on DVD for that region. There is not an American DVD region 1 release of this film. 

Universal did distribute a DVD of Olivia's second Oscar winning performance in 1949's The Heiress, and many fans have purchased it. The same could be true for To Each His Own(1946). 

Olivia de Havilland just recently turned 101 on July 1, 2017 and her first Oscar winning performance should be on DVD for American distribution. You should sign if you like classic movies, value the De Havilland Law, and just want to show Olivia de Havilland that she is still valued today.

July 26, 2016

Dear CEOs of Warner Brothers and Paramount Pictures,

In 1946, the now centennian Olivia de Havilland returned to the silver screen in a film that won recognition for not only her, but for Paramount Pictures. The film was called To Each His Own.

The film was also her first since her 1943 court case against Warner Brothers studio that led to her professional blacklist. In what is now known as the De Havilland Law, California Labor Section Code 2855, was passed to guarantee artistic freedom to professional creatives, after she sued Warner Brothers for a breach of her contract.

The reason I share this history with you is because I believe this might have something to do with why this film has not been released on DVD yet. The film was released on VHS in 1998, and through some legal neglect, was not renewed for American release during the DVD age, in which we are still in. The DVD has been released in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East, but not here. 

I ask out of respect to Olivia de Havilland, who on July 1st, turned 100 years old, that this film be released to the public on DVD and Bluray, and if it can be restored through Warner Brothers' amazing restoration department, it would be appreciated. It would be awful to think that ancient politics would be the reason why a film like this wouldn't be released, because it is a Paramount Classic, and brought recognition to Paramount Studios, which also produced The Heiress in 1949, which won Olivia her second Oscar. 

Please release this film out to the American public on DVD and Bluray. I cannot think of a better time to release it. 

Update #47 years ago
Olivia is now 101 and is suing FX Networks and Ryan Murphy- and a friend suggested that I could take advantage of this and reach out to Miss De Havilland myself, and/or reach out to the Criterion Collection and the UCLA restoration team. With Robert Osbourne gone, I wonder whether there would be support from Turner Classic Movies for support on this too. I don't know. But, while I make up my mind, please share this petition with your fellow film fans!
Update #37 years ago
Hi, please forward this to all your classic film communities and friends!
Update #28 years ago
Thank you for supporting the distribution of a classic film and remembering a living legend. There are only 9 of you, and I may have to shrink the goal down to 1,000 instead of 10,000- so here is what I propose you do- share it on your Facebook page, your Twitter, Pinterest, and other social media sites. Let your local classic movie/film community that supports and shows classic films on the big screen know about this. We don't have much longer until the deadline.

Update #18 years ago
If you know anyone who loves classic films, please pass this along!
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