State of Georgia National Freedom & Justice Movement Petition

State of Georgia

National Freedom & Justice Movement United

Petition to #OpentheCells of freedom for #PrisonersofthePandemic

Paying a "debt to society" should not automatically equate a potential Death Sentence
The issues surrounding mass incarceration increase in private prisons and Jim Crow laws & tactics have facilitated the enslavement & over prosecution for profit within the State of Georgia.

Update #13 years ago
Resentence or free Juvenile Offenders (Miller vs Alabama & International Covenant)
* Follow Sanitation Policies enacted by the Justice Department are enforced
* Adequate & timely testing for Prisoners & Staff
* Release monthly stats on virus rates &
* Make facilities are providing proper supplies & taking preventative measures against Covid-19 & other communicable diseases.
* The review & resentence of those who have served over 50% of their sentence, for Release or Parole.
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