Bring Dom Back to NCIS: Los Angeles

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  • destinatario: Shane Brennan, NCIS: Los Angeles Executive Producer & CBS Television

NCIS: Los Angeles has been on the air for only five months and we fans are disappointed that you have chosen to remove original cast member Adam Jamal Craig (Dom) from the series. The signatures on this petition are from fans of the NCIS: Los Angeles television series that enjoyed having Dominic Vail (Adam Craig) as a character on the series. Each signature on this petition is from a loyal fan asking that you please return Adam to the series as soon as possible.

Thank you!


We the undersigned urge the prompt return of Dominic Vail to NCIS: Los Angeles!

NCIS: Los Angeles has been on the air for only five months and we fans are disappointed that you have chosen to remove original cast member Adam Jamal Craig (Dom) from the series. The signatures on this petition are from fans of the NCIS: Los Angeles television series that enjoyed having Dominic Vail (Adam Craig) as a character on the series. Each signature on this petition is from a loyal fan asking that you please return Adam to the series as soon as possible.

Thank you!

The many fans of NCIS: Los Angeles &

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