CCT Loves Media and Politics: Petition to Invigorate Media & Politics (P.I.M.P.)

One More Professor, One More Class, One More Signature

As many of you know, there have been emails and Facebook groups about future Media and Politics courses. I, Liz Larter, apologize for the confusion. After further investigation, the problem with the Media and Politics program is the lack of Media and Politics professors. Correction, we only have ONE Media and Politics professor.


As you may know, this Fall semester (Fall 2008), Dr. Diana Owen is going on sabbatical. For the last two years, she has delayed her sabbatical in order to teach classes in CCT and yet there was still a shortage in Media and Politics classes being offered. During that time, CCT students had to lobby to get the appropriate and fundamental Media and Politics classes offered -- with mixed results. Our part of the program has over-crowded classes and is missing fundamental classes in political journalism and basic political/media communication.


To avoid this problem in the future and to ensure that the Media and Politics part of CCT offers classes that teach the fundamentals, we need another a FULL-TIME Media and Politics professor. One professor is not enough. We need another political scientist to complement and expand upon the current Media and Politics courses offered and taught in CCT. This new professor can "fill in" while Dr. Owen is on sabbatical and also teach much-needed and wanted courses on political journalism. This will only make CCT stronger by adding another perspective to our interdisciplinary program and make our program even more attractive to incoming Media and Politics students.



Please SIGN the petition and forward on to those in the program we might have missed.  Even if Media & Politics isn't your concentration, we can still use your support.  CCT is a diverse program, but in danger of degrading the quality of one of its most popular concentrations.  By voicing your opinion you can help us save our classes and strengthen the quality of CCT courses as a whole.


Please sign our updated online petition here ... If you signed our last version, please sign it again as it has been changed.

This petition will help show CCT and Georgetown Administrators that the students of CCT care about the future of the Media and Politics and we want only the best for all aspects of CCT. 


THANK YOU for your support! We appreciate it!


If you have further questions, please feel free to contact Liz Larter,


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