Tell Connecticut to Stop Slaughtering Deer

  • al: Mac McDaniel
  • destinatario: William Hyatt, CT Dep't of Environmental Protection Bureau Chief
The Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection has begun a management plan for Charles Island that involves slaughtering the deer that live there en masse.
The deer have been accused of disturbing the nesting places of herons and egrets on the island but the Humane Society has pointed out that these birds nest high up in mature trees and shouldn't be affected by the presence of deer who don't climb trees or chop them down.
Additionally the DEP says that the deer on the island are starving, but even if that were true it's certainly no reason to shoot them.
Sign to urge the Connecticut DEP not to slaughter deer on Charles Island.
We the undersigned have been following the story of the Connecticut DEP's handling of the whitetail deer on Charles Island.
We believe that the deer should not be scapegoated and slaughtered to prevent them from bothering herons or egrets who shouldn't be affected by their presence.
We also think it is illogical to kill animals to prevent them from starving to death.
We urge you to reconsider any policy that would involve killing these deer. If the island cannot sustain the deer population they will either adapt to the conditions, relocate, or die. None of these options can be improved upon by humans deciding to kill the animals intentionally.
Thank you for taking the time to read our letter and consider our concerns.
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