Urge The Next President To Elect a FDA Commissioner who will require non-animal testing methods

We Need Your Help Today

On November 5, the president-elect will begin forming his new Cabinet. Please sign our petition immediately to request that he appoint a new Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) who will have the power to save hundreds of thousands of animals from pain and death by requiring the use of scientifically-proven nonanimal tests where possible.

This petition will be forwarded to the president-elect during the second week in November.

Full petition text:


The president-elect of the United States

Subject:FDA Animal Testing Policy

As the newly elected president, it is my hope that you will use your presidential power to appoint a new FDA Commissioner who will require the use of more humane, scientifically-proven, nonanimal testing methods when possible. As a PCRM supporter, I strongly support animal welfare reform in this country. Every day, because of the current FDA animal testing policy, thousands of animals suffer and are killed to test drugs that will never help a sick human being. Please do everything in your power to change this policy!

Sign the Petition!
For More Information : http://support.pcrm.org/site/PageServer?pagename=candidate_pres_elect_petition08&autologin=true&JServSessionIdr001=mu3mjx9k81.app8b

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