Freedom For Marnie Pearce and her Children

We the undersigned are calling  for the immediate and unconditional release of Ms Pearce  from Dubai Central Jail in Al-Awir, considering her to be a prisoner of conscience. We also ask that in the best interests of the children that the deportation order be lifted, to enable  the children to have continued contact with their Mother.
We the undersigned are calling  for the immediate and unconditional release of Marnie Pearce from Dubai Central Jail in Al-Awir, considering her to be a prisoner of conscience. We also ask that in the best interests of the children that the deportation order be lifted, to enable the children to have continued contact with their mother.

The custody hearing concerning her two children, Laith and Ziad, has now been heard, and custody given to their father, but the rights of her two young sons were ignored. The decision on their custody should have been based on the children's best interests. Their future should not have been decided on the basis of this adultery conviction. The only thing that matters in a child custody case is what is best for the children.

The children had the right to be consulted and express an opinion on what happens to them, according to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. An advocate should be have been appointed to give them a fair opportunity to express themselves.and there should have been a fair custody hearing which has at its centre the rights of these two boys.

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