No Fur!

  • al: Alison Fore
  • destinatario: Florida House Representitive Lori Berman

Every year, over 40 million animals are brutally killed for their furs. Wild animals, such as beavers, foxes, minks, raccoons, seals, and bears are raised and murdered on fur farms for the sake of a pretty hat or coat. Not only this, but everyday household pets such as dogs, cats, chinchillas, and rabbits are killed as well. 

Everyone should be strongly against this because, believe it or not, this affects us too. When fur farmers do not clean and take care of their sites, it poisions our waterways and helps in destroying our enviornment.

The American Vetrinary Medical Association also goes as far to call fur farms and trapping "inhumane," and we all agree with them. No animal should fear for it's life for the sake of a winter coat that we do not need. With synthetic furs and our new, advanced technology, there is no need to muder and farm these animals.

If you agree, sign this petition and show the animals that you care. Take a stand against what is wrong and unjust; helping to make the world a better place.  

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