Plastic-Free Pledge

Plastic plays an ever-increasing role in our life on Earth, but the ubiquitous use of plastic is causing unprecedented health and environmental problems.

Every time you take a plastic bag or buy a product with plastic packaging think about where that plastic will end up.

Every piece of plastic ever made is still in existence, floating in oceans or collecting in landfill sites, killing wildlife, and leaching toxic chemicals into our water and soil.

Make a pledge to make a difference. Take small steps to reduce your plastic consumption. Start by signing the Plastic-Free Pledge.

I pledge to reduce my consumption of non-biodegradable, plastic products by:

1. Using reusable bags at the grocery store.

2. Choosing biodegradable products and packaging over plastic.

3. Eating and drinking out of re-usable glass, metal, or other non-plastic containers.

4. Encouraging my friends, family, and community to reduce their plastics consumption, too!

Learn more at
Plastic plays an ever-increasing role in our life on Earth, but the ubiquitous use of plastic is causing unprecedented health and environmental problems.

Every time you take a plastic bag or buy a product with plastic packaging think about where that plastic will end up.

Every piece of plastic ever made is still in existence, floating in oceans or collecting in landfill sites, killing wildlife, and leaching toxic chemicals into our water and soil.

Make a pledge to make a difference. Take small steps to reduce your plastic consumption. Start by signing the Plastic-Free Pledge.

I pledge to reduce my consumption of non-biodegradable, plastic products by:

1. Using reusable bags at the grocery store.

2. Choosing biodegradable products and packaging over plastic.

3. Eating and drinking out of re-usable glass, metal, or other non-plastic containers.

4. Encouraging my friends, family, and community to reduce their plastics consumption, too!

Learn more at
firma la petición
firma la petición
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