Stop the Magnolia Thomas demolition!

Downtown Woodstock is one of the most beautiful places to live in the country. Part of this beauty is the historic structures here, many of whom have been repurposed into wonderful restaurants and shops. One of the best restaurants in the city, Magnolia Thomas, is the namesake of a Woodstock educator and is located in a reproduction of her former home. The original burned down.
Recently, plans came forth to tear down this restaurant and an adjacent community center and build a headquarters and gym/showroom. Magnolia Thomas has thrived in that location for 16 years and helped make downtown Woodstock what it is today. It adds to the classic charm.
Some say it's too late to make a difference, but Woodstock is our community. And it's up to residents to make our voices heard. We need to keep these buildings where they are, and the powers that be need to understand that this community cares and we VOTE!
The goal is to submit this petition to the Woodstock city council and Mayor to ask them intercede and stop the demolition of these buildings.
Preserve the History. #LetMagnoliaThomasStay
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