• al: Naomi Dreyer
  • destinatario: U.S. Department of Agriculture's Meat Animal Research Center (USMARC)

The New York Times published an investigation into deplorable animal treatment at the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Meat Animal Research Center (USMARC) in Nebraska with the mission to help meat producers make more money.
There, according to the Times' exposé, newborn piglets are accidentally crushed to death by their mothers, who have been scientifically bred to give birth to unnaturally large litters. Weakened and deformed calves are born to cows "retooled" to have twins and triplets when they usually bear only one calf at a time. And lambs born in open fields were left to die excruciating deaths during an experiment to see if their mothers, normally dependent on human help, would nurture their babies despite severe weather and predators.
This barbaric animal "experimentation" is not only cruel but wildly out of step with modern sensibilities and ethical standards. It's even more appalling that such activities -- conducted with the goal of helping a private-sector industry turn a higher profit -- are subsidized by U.S. taxpayers.
This must stop!

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