BOYCOTT CHINA! on the OLYMPICS & their Products too!

We need to TELL AND SHOW the WORLD what China is doing.

I mean come on they are brutal tormented torturers and not only that they even tried to get their hands on us by painting asbestos on toys and such.

It's time for the World to wake up!

After you view these video's you will be "FURIOUS" and will fight along with me and others on this.

Video Part 1:

Video Part 2:

We have 6 Months until the Olympics and China is getting more and more scrutinised.

I have a feeling they don't really like it, but what can you expect of a country that until 20 years ago was about as closed off as North Korea is today.

The Chinese provide us with our cheap jeans and enable our multinationals to turn a sizeable profit.

So who cares if they pollute every stream, river and sea they set eyes on. Who cares that they violate human rights? Who cares that this prick and his bicycle and a guard at Wenzhou University don't really like dogs and simply torture them to death? Remember them cheap jeans people. Graphic Content.

What more of the signs from China must we do? hummmm


Congress Secretariat
International Olympic Committee
Ch鈚eau de Vidy
1007 Lausanne

We the undersigned are pledging to boycott China and any such countries that produce such violance toward any human or non-human life.

Hello China how about you come here and we'll treat you the same????

We need to band together and STOMP on the right people to DO something about this NOW!!!!!!!

It's probally happening here by them now and we don't even know it!

Animal Cruelty here is punishment and I believe they need punished for the ignorance they carry.

We don't need them there are far better counties out there to have the Olympics.

Don't you DARE have the Olympics in China!!
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