Officially thank Luciano Moggi

This is a petition for us who support Luciano Moggi!


Luciano Moggi was the sporting director of Juventus FC from 1994 to 2006, he build one of the strongest teams in football history and won many titles including one Champions leuge title and five Scudetti. In the summer of 2006 he became the scapegoat of calciopoli, Juventus were delegated to Serie B and two titles were revoked.


For five years now he has been working hard to justify himself and the club. Because of his hard work Juventus FC has a chance to get back the revoked titles and prove their innocence


September 8th 2011 the new Juventus Stadium was inaugurated. FC Internazionale president Massimo Moratti och FIGC president Giancarlo Abete was invited to the opening ceremony but Luciano Moggi was not.


We demand that the club officially thanks Luciano Moggi for his hard work and invites him to a home game so that the fans get a chance to thank him.





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