Say NO to the lithium battery facility in Oologah

Oologah town proposal for the lithium battery storage facility is set to be voted on Tuesday January 21st 2025
A lithium battery storage facility that will store excess electricity for the Texas power grid, which will allow Texas to have electricity during peak demand times that their grid cannot keep up.

The project offers, quite literally, ZERO benefits for anyone in Oklahoma. The location will be paid for by Oklahoma tax funding. The location will not generate any revenue nor any tax returns to Oklahoma. There will be no on site employees. Oolagah will have to find a way to provide highly specialized fire fighting equipment and personnel if there is a fire.
Lithium is highly volatile if it catches fire.
It is also extremely toxic for both air and water if there is a leak or fire. The location will be right next to the stream and water supply for most of the upper Tulsa County area and lower Rogers County... and also Oolagah Lake.

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