Investigate and CEO

  • al: Mary Robbins
  • destinatario: Mayor Lee Leffingwell, Austin Texas Police, Governor Greg Abbott, Attorney General Ken Paxton

Signing this petition would help urge the Mayor Lee Leffingwell and the Austin Texas authorities, to do an investigation on a supposed support group for bite victims, called However they are using victims as a monetary gain to sustain their liveliehood and do not truly care for any victims. is known to use thrown out statistics and has been debunked repeatedly so, by advocates and experts. More to the point DBO only wishes to kill the pit type dogs, they do not care whom they hurt in the process. 

Our beloved pit bulls lives are on the line because of this Organization. 

Please read the following article, to understand the situation better.

Say No To DBO

More Information on DogsbiteOrg
Why You Shouldn't Listen To DBO

Proof she wants our dogs dead.

I respectfully ask, please be mindful of comments you leave with your signature. No threats or other obscenities please. We must be civil, as this petition will be shown to the Governor and Mayor along with the authorities. Hostility will not help our cause.

Thank you
M. Robbins

To Mayor Lee Leffingwell, Austin Texas Authorities,  Govenor Greg Abbott and Attorney General Ken Paxton.

We the undersigned urge for an investigation to take place of an organization in your town called As per knowledge of the public the CEO and founder Colleen Lynn has made it her life goal, to eradicate the pit labeled dogs from existance. As dog lovers and guardians it is our duty to uphold the utmost justice to protect our dogs well-being. Colleen Lynn and her board are no dog experts and have been advocating on a daily basis to kill the pit labeled dogs, because of what a select few have done. Not all pit type dogs are bad, it is not the dogs fault that these issues occur, it is the responsibility of said dog owner to properly train, socialize and care for their dog. In order to prevent these said attacks from happening. The blame should lay solely on the irresponsibilty of owners and yes, they, the owners should face concequences of what their dog has done.

However, Colleen Lynn and her followers will not listen to reason or even those in the dog behavorial field. Colleen Lynn has also shared personal details of pet owners on her page and followers pages and in groups she is attending. Tell her followers to attack pet owners. This is public knowledge. 

We the undersigned wish for a better way at dealing with these issues and wish for Colleen Lynn to stay out of the advocating world. As stated she is no expert, nor is she an expert in supporting victims. She has no degree in this sort of issue and should not make out like she is some kind of psychologist for a victim support group. 

If you are willing please read this article and the links this article has provided for people to learn what has been happening since 2007.

We the undersigned will continue to urge you until you take action against the CEO of and her followers. Whom have repeatedly, in public told people how to kill our dogs.

We the undersigned thank you for your time and understanding.
The Animal Rights Community

Actualizar #5hace 9 años
Some progress made, I know I have not updated in a while. I received a letter asking for more information. If you have evidence against DogsBiteOrg or Ms. Lynn please email or call the Investigator Susan Downman - or (512) 463-3772. Please be civil and polite.
Actualizar #4hace 9 años
I am working very hard, to get the Mayor, Governor, and the OAG to listen to reason. I will be traveling to Austin again to speak with them more on this issue. Please keep signing and sharing this petition.
Actualizar #3hace 9 años
I received a response from the Governor's office they recommended to me that I should get a hold of the Attorney General's office. I will do this as soon as possible.
Actualizar #2hace 10 años
Personal Update: I am the Petition creator. I am not nor have I ever been a part of Telling me to go to hell or any other insult toward me will get your signature removed. The problem is Colleen Lynn, not me. I am against Dogsbiteorg fully.
Actualizar #1hace 9 años
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