Demand Justice for Gustavito - the hippo murdered in El Salvador!

Gustavito was 15 years old, he spent his last 12 years in the zoo in San Salvador, until he was brutally murdered over the weekend by humans who inflicted terrible wounds to him. Gustavito had tens, if not hundred cuts all over his body.

The brutality and violence in your country must stop! Against people and defenseless animals!

Those at the zoo who let such a crime happened deserve to be fired and jailed.

The murderers of Gustavito should be punished like if they murdered a human being!

Mr. Salvador Sanchez Ceren:

Gustavito was 15 years old, he spent his last 12 years in the zoo in San Salvador, until he was brutally murdered over the weekend by humans who inflicted terrible wounds to him. Gustavito had tens, if not hundred cuts all over his body.

The brutality and violence in your country must stop! Against people and defenseless animals!

El Salvador should request international assistance to help it restore peace and justice for its people and animals! Violence cannot continue!

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