Save Robert Palmer Watkins!

    Robert Palmer Watkins is a down-to-earth actor who plays Dillon Quartermaine, a character who is part of an integral family on the daytime soap opera General Hospital. Robert has gone out of his way to be as genuine and humble as possible to all of his fans, and embodies his role as a public figure by consistently traveling across the country to meet viewers inbetween tapings. Recently and without reason, he was let go of the show despite being part of a successful pairing and playing a character who has been part of the show for over two decades.

    Soaps are doing their best to stay afloat these days with a goal of attracting younger viewers to increase their diminishing ratings. Why get rid of an actor that is attracting that very demographic, who has a huge fanbase and who tirelessly campaigns for his character, his couple and the show both in public and on social media?
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