Thanksgiving may not be a holiday anymore

  • al: Damie Larson
  • destinatario: every company and retailer that is violating Thanksgiving Day all to make money
It is official, retailers r advertising for black Friday sales to start at noon on Thanksgiving Day. Last I knew, it was still a federal holiday. Have we become so shallow and materialistic that we can't even celebrate, the most innocent and sincerest of all holidays. It's the last of the true holidays that isn't corrupted by commercialism, I for one intend to boycott any and all Department stores that r now infringe on Thanksgiving signing this petition I hope that u intend to do the same...I am not willing to allow the greed of these corporations, to infringe on my relishing in a great meal with family and friends...what happens after midnight on Thanksgiving Day is none of my concern, my goal is to show these greedy money rubbers that there r still ppl out there that treat Thanksgiving as the holiday that it is, ty for ur support
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