CHINA - please educate consumers and farmers of dog meat - animal torture must STOP

  • al: ali dolloso
  • destinatario: Chinese Embassador in London, also President of China and Government Officials, and UNESCO

Dogs have been tortured to death in China for 2,000 years for human consumption. 

Torture of dogs for food has no place in the modern world, in the United Nations.

The United Nations, which China is a part of, has a department Education Science and Culture  -  UNESCO.  

Education and Science tells us that the CULTURE OF ABUSE  has no place in this world.

Torture of animals in China, stems from arcane beliefs, from 2,000 years ago when society was based on a culture of abuse, fear, hate and old resentments. 

This culture of abuse towards animals needs to be eradicated. It is the shame of humanity.

We the undersgined ask that you start to educate the Chinese consumers of tortured meat, and the farmers who torture the dogs, that what they are doing is wrong, in the eyes of the educated and scientific world.

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