Boris Johnson: Don't Use Water Cannons Against Protesters

London mayor Boris Johnson wants to be able to use water cannons against protesters. Home Secretary Theresa May supports the idea though she does not want the government to pay for them. Water cannons are "high-speed, propulsive machines" that can knock someone over 100 meters away and can cause serious injury. Tell Mayor Johnson that water cannons must not be used against protesters!

The fact that Johnson wants to do this is further evidence that police and government see the public as little more than dirt to be cleansed from the streets, says Nina Power, of The Guardian.

This method is dangerous and should be avoided.  It can potentially cause serious damage to eyes and internal organs. Images of a man with blood pouring from his eyes after a protest in Stuttgart, Germany, where water cannon was used against protestors, show the dangers of the technique.

Act now to tell Mayor Johnson to stop the process of trying to add water cannons to the police's anti-protestor repertoire.

Dear Mayor Johnson,

We the undersigned ask that you not use water cannons against protesters. Water cannons are "high-speed, propulsive machines" that can knock someone over 100 meters away and can cause serious injury. 

This method is dangerous and should be avoided.  It can potentially cause serious damage to eyes and internal organs. Images of a man with blood pouring from his eyes after a protest in Stuttgart, Germany, where water cannon was used against protestors, show the dangers of the technique.

Mayor Johnson, stop the process of trying to add water cannons to the police's anti-protestor repertoire!

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