Traffic calming /20 MPH Langtree Community School, Torrington, Devon, EX38 8NF, /Fore street Lang

High volume of traffic at school pick up and drop off .

Children crossing / walking to school / accessing school transport to Torrington School

Numerous cat fatalities on road secondary to ongoing consistent speeding-it is matter of time until a child is run over ! Please support and protect our children and animals . 


Actualizar #1hace 9 años

Thank you for taking the time to support this cause. An update - the local MP is aware of this situation. I have confirmation Devon County Council are investigating and the allocated officer has a turn around of 10 days to provide feedback - with people's support and stories/ experiences of speeding / near misses / deaths of pets - are all essential - to enable our community to be heard and positive changes to be made.

Michaela Booth Simonsen

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