Tell the FDA to ignore extremist judge on abortion pills

An extremist judge in Texas has singlehandedly blocked access to a critically important medication used for abortion. The anti-abortion judge, with no medical background, questioned the drug's safety, and ordered the FDA to undo its approval, even though the FDA approved it long ago, and it has been used safely for decades.

And the FDA should ignore him. For real.

We can't let our medical options be limited by ideologically driven nonsense. Science should drive drug approval, not one judge's personal opinion or religious beliefs.

We are not living in normal times, and we can't pretend this is a normal decision. This judge is trying to overrule science, going way out of his bounds, and there's no way we should let him put millions of people at risk and just accept it.

Add your name, and tell the FDA to ignore this judge, and refuse to reverse its approval.

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