JUSTICE 4 #DillonTaylor!

Dillon Taylor, 20, an unarmed white man was gunned down by Salt Lake City police officer(s) on the night of 11 August 2014 in South Salt Lake City, UT., after police had stopped him, his older brother and a cousin as they were coming out of a 7-Eleven Convience store that evening.

Dillon was shot by police for having reached at the waste band of his pants to pull them up in response to officer's commands for he and his companions to get on the ground. Police had been called to the scene with a report(s) that someone 'fitting' Dillon's description was brandishing a gun in the area.

Police intercepted Dillon and his family as they were exiting the store.

Put guns in all of their faces but Dillon was initally unresponsive as he had headphones on at the time.

(Music was on and he did not hear them telling him to stop, hands up, and get down on the ground.)

It was only after police stood in front of him and put guns directly in his face that he did. As he was in the process of responding to commands he was shot and died at the scene from wounds he received. To date neither Dillon nor his family has received justice!

We, the undersigned, call upon Utah Governor Gary Herbert to appoint a Special Prosecutor to Investigate why police and the criminal justice system for Salt Lake City and Salt Lake County, UT. is covering this matter up and regarding it as an 'independent situation' with absolutely no similarities to what happened in Ferguson, MO. only just days before when Michael Brown, Jr., unarmed, was gunned down by a white police officer.

Thank you, and we look forward to your response Governor Herbert.

To Whom It May Concern:

                                  We, the undersigned, call upon The Honorable Gary Herbert, Governor of Utah, to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the events of 11 August 2014 which involved the shooting death of an unarmed citizen on the streets of South Salt Lake City, UT. by a member of the Salt Lake City Police Department.

The Reason: To date neither Dillon Taylor or his family has received JUSTICE, in fact, what they have received is stone-walling by the Salt Lake City Police Department and, IN FACT, the criminal justice system for Salt Lake County. WHY?

Please, Governor Herbert, we implore you on behalf of Dillon's family, friends and child-to-be, as at the time of his untimely death Dillon and his fiancee' are expecting his first child, for #JusticeForDillonTaylor.

Thank you, and we look forward to your response. Be well.

Actualizar #4hace 9 años
FINAL DAYS for this petition! Can you help me get 100 names attached to it between now and the end of the month? If you can that would be great! I surely do appreciate your continued love and support and I know Dillon's Family does as well. Please, re-share this petition this week with all in your social media circles. Thank you! #RIPDillonTaylor #PUSH4OneHundred #Justice4DillonTaylor
Actualizar #3hace 9 años

I need your help please. I need you to get this petition out to as many in your social network circles as you can please. Its my understand that they are nervous in Salt Lake City about the attention that this and other efforts are generating. Spread the word, FAR & WIDE, about this petition. I took the liberty of including a video in it today, Dillon's brother speaking about the events of 11 August 2014. Watch! Share! Thanks...
Actualizar #2hace 9 años

Hello and thank you to all the wonderful people who have added their names and will be adding your names. The other day I sat down and made this Video: http://youtu.be/-rTyg3CM3OI

Posted on YouTube. Mentioning Dillon by name and our petition on his behalf. I would appreciate very much if you would watch and share that video. It will go a long way, I believe, toward our Cause, #JusticeForDillonTaylor. Thank you all, again, for your wonderful and commendable care and concern. Be well.

Actualizar #1hace 9 años
A blog post on Dillon Taylor for you all to read and share please. Thank you!
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