DNC 2024 with no primary contest and no riots and/or violence please!

If you want to make sure that Allan Lichtman's primary contest-less White House key coming true, sign here please! Your life depends on it - Biden or Harris! And make it two-to-ten times bigger than the RNC from this week! And please, do the right thing, Joe! Hand ALL your delegates to Kamala Harris ASAP.

Also, I want Bernie Sanders, JB Pritzker, Gretchen Whitmer, Josh Shapiro and Joe Manchin to become endorsers of Kamala Harris. Do your best! Don't fail Joe!

Not to mention, the rioters' mistakes from the 1968 DNC where Hubert Humphrey would win that year's convention, and then lose to Richard Nixon, would never happen again. NO! NEVER!!!

Actualizar #3hace 1 meses
Beyonce, Taylor Swift, Billie Eilish, Ariana Grande, Olivia Rodrigo, Lizzo, and Khalid should perform at the DNC!
Actualizar #2hace 1 meses
We don't want either an open contest nor a repeat on the 1968 DNC, which led to Richard Nixon's election and Hubert Humphrey's failure.
Actualizar #1hace 2 meses
How about we make the DNC much more bigger, better and more exciting than the 2024 RNC?
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