Stop this horrific practice of capturing stray and stolen dogs for Dog Meat.

Indonesia is portrayed as an ideal tropical holiday setting with beautiful beaches, villas and temples.  But behind the scenes there is a sick, cruel world that they don't want the tourists to know about: capturing stray and stolen dogs for Dog Meat.

These poor creatures are captured, bound and thrown into the back of vans, then taken away to await their horrific death. This can be seen on the  video above.  It says it all!    Warning: This video is very disturbing!

This cruel, barbaric practice has to stop now and it is up to all of us who care about animals to let these people know that it is totally unacceptable.  We need to show them that the world will not just stand by and let it happen.

These poor dogs have feelings and I can only imagine the fear and pain these innocent creatures endure before their gruesome death.

Let Indonesia know it is not okay to treat animals in this way. It must be stopped now!


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