Protect the Puppies- Ban Puppy Farms Now

  • al: Hannah Nolan
  • destinatario: The New South Wales Government

Puppy mills or puppy farms are factories where puppies are crowded in horrible and inhumane conditions and mass bred to sell to pet shops. We need to end this now.

Picture this. 6 dogs locked up in the same small cage. Never allowed out for a walk. Living in filth and starvation. Bred for profit and abused daily. Never loved.
This is the reality for thousands of dogs in Australia alone. Think of how many puppies are objected to animal cruelty every single day. Make a change. #protectthepuppies

Actualizar #2hace 7 años
We are so grateful for the amount of support we have received so far! Please continue to spread the word about our petition in any way you can to help reach our goal of 2000 signatures. The cruelty with which these innocent animals are treated is just sick. They're helpless so we have decided to become their voice. We need your help! #protectthepuppies
Actualizar #1hace 8 años
If any of you feel passionate about helping these innocent puppies, or if you want to be a part of this change, please send around the hashtag #protectthepuppies on any social media site you may have.
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