Stop ABUSE of Carriage Horses in the Bahamas

  • al: Paula Caruana
  • destinatario: Government of Bahamas, Ministry of Tourism, Bahamas and Ministry of Agriculture, Bahamas, Ministry of Transport

stop this BRUTALITY - Horses made to work in horrendous heat through the polluted and crazy streets of Nassau,  with no food or water and no conditions for up to 8 hours a day - dropping dead cos they just give up - can't go on anymore - The Animal Protection and Control Act must be enforced in this country - Please leave comments if you can

The tribune have asked me to add a link to this - they covered the story and will give more insite into what really goes on here - please be sure and pass this onto all your friends - Facebook, Twitter, Email - every little helps Thank you

The horse in the picture was a mare - her name was Bloody Mary - she passed the inspection only a week ago - Please Please help!!! 

I have also created a page on facebook - please like this page

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