Abolish the Electoral College

    The electoral college has been a part of this country since the year 1804. This process has been set in place by the 12th Amendment. With this, it ultimately states that during the Presidential Elections, whoever wins the Electoral vote wins the election. Even if that Presidential candidate fails to win the popular vote.

    Some may not understand how detrimental this process has become. It has affected generations of people, old and young, numerous races, and the poor and middle class. There have been five elections in the past where a Presidential candidate has lost the popular vote but won in the electoral college. 

    One of those five elections was in the year 2000 where George W. Bush was elected. During his presidency for two terms Bush passed The No Child Left Behind Act which massively hurt Public Education, failed in reconstructing New Orleans and it’s surrounding areas after Hurricane Katrina, took part in causing The 2008 Economic Collapse, and among other things, retaliated 2 long wars that lasted well over a decade.

    The next election where this has occurred, and the most popular among this nation, is the 2016 Presidential Election where Donald J Trump took over. During his term as President he has managed to separate thousands of migrant Hispanic children from their parents, Appointed 3 conservative Justices to The US Supreme Court who voted to overturn Roe v. Wade, Incited an Insurrection on The US Capitol in efforts to overturn the 2020 Election, and the most popular among his lengthy list, placed this country in a pandemic that he had full knowledge about several months prior to it reaching this level of severity.

    The petition is my call to action, and in order to initiate and maintain change, we must have a unified set agenda. We must come together and focus on one goal at a time, and everything else will fall in line, and become a minuscule task to accomplish. Once this petition has a significant and impactful amount of signatures, it will be sent to Congress demanding that they schedule a convention to amend the 12th Amendment and abolish the Electoral College. If we succeed, every single Presidential Election that follows will be fair, and if Congress does not see fit to abolish the Electoral College, then we will continue to fight for a real and true democracy. I’m making this my mission simply because it’s time for a change. I want to be the change this decade. Thank you, and I look forward to seeing your signature.
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