Protect the dogs! Stop animal cruelty!

  • al: Carol Park
  • destinatario: Petition to Salisbury N.C City Council

A 22-year-old Salisbury man is now facing animal cruelty charges after stabbing a dog.

I, the undersigned, would like to petition the Salisbury North Carolina City Council to intensify the security measures to protect not only the residents but also the animals that roam around the place. Circulating news has recently reported about a dog that was stabbed by a shoemaker causing the dog to yelp so loud and suffer painfully. Animals whether domesticated or not must also be given enough protection from either abuse or cruelty. Since it’s been a worldwide campaign already, the council must take this as a part of a crusade in order to avoid further death of animals caused by human interventions.

The city council must also push forward mandates which are stricter and the people who commit animal cruelty should face much greater penalties so that animal welfare will be preserved and cruelty among animals will be barricaded. Police deputies must also be well-distributed around Salisbury so that there will be eyes around that can prevent further cases of animal cruelty. CCTV’s must also be around in order for the pact finding team to easily catch the suspects.

Thank you for considering my petition.


the underdesigned,


Carol Park - Assistant Writer for Aava 

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