Does Your State Still Allow Puppy Mills?

    Filthy cages, extreme temperatures, maggot-infested food, dirty water, emaciated dogs, and dogs covered in feces. Step into a puppy mill, and that's the heartbreaking sight you'll see, according to The Humane Society of the United States' most recent Horrible Hundred report.

    "Puppy mills" or "pet mills" refer to commercial breeders that force animals to continuously produce more and more young to feed the pet trade. Unfortunately, many of the animals end up in shelters and being euthanized.

    Despite the horrific conditions in pet mills across the country, only three states — California, Maine, and Maryland — have banned pet stores from selling puppies and kittens from commercial breeders. That means 47 states still allow these horrible places to exist.

    Puppies and kittens don't deserve this inhumane treatment. We need to take a stand and end this despicable practice now.

    Does your state still allow puppy mills? Sign now to demand that it bans puppy mills for good!
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