NYPD: Don't Run Criminal Checks on Domestic Abuse Victims!

Domestic abuse reporting is already underreported, but a new NYPD directive may further discourage victims from contacting police. The new directive requires officers to run a criminal check on both the accused and the accusing parties when responding to a domestic abuse call. This will expose the abused person's entire criminal history, from open warrants to past traffic violations.

Though the NYPD has no "must arrest" policy for domestic violence victims, the new directive will discourage victims from reporting violence in their households. This will allow the abuse to continue and will endanger children and other innocents who live with or near the abuser. Please sign the petition to urge the NYPD not to run checks on domestic abuse victims!

To: New York Police Department:

We, the undersigned, are concerned with your new directive requiring officers to run a criminal check on both the accused and the accusing parties when responding to a domestic abuse call.

Though we understand that the NYPD has no "must arrest" policy for domestic violence victims, the new directive will discourage victims from reporting violence in their households. This will allow the abuse to continue and will endanger children and other innocents who live with or near the abuser. We respectfully urge you to reverse this directive and encourage people to report domestic abuse. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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