URGENT Help Ms. Laura DaCosta Principal Lester Noecker School from being forced to RESIGN

  • al: David Rager
  • destinatario: The Roseland New Jersey Local School Board and Superintendent Lisa Gross

Dear felllow Roseland Parents. It has come to my attention that Ms. Laura Dacosta, probably the most caring, competent and dedicated Principal our children have ever had is apparently being forced to resign as Principal or will be effectively terminated by our newly appointed Superintendent Lisa Gross. Again, I say apparently because that is the flyer I recieved this morning when I dropped off my son at school this morning. I have no idea if this is true. I can't though imagine that the parent who was handing out this flier would do so if there was not some legitmacy to it. Let me state, I do not know Mrs. Gross, I have never met her or ever sseen her like I use to see Mr. Rutzky. I make no aspersions nor is this petition meant to take any position on Mrs. Gross. This petition has nothing to do with Mrs. Gross. This is all about Ms. Dacosta. I am asking you to sign this petition in Support of Ms. Dacosta regardless.  From what I know Mrs. Gross has been on the job for only a few months and if this is true then I respectfully submit to my fellow Roselanders that we must take an hour of our time to stand up to this ABSURDITY not only to protect Ms. Dacosta but more importantly OUR CHILDREN. There is a board meeting tomorrow at Lester C. Noecker at 7:30pm , I implore you that at least one parent from each family attend tomorrow's meeting to show support for Ms. Dacosta. If for what ever reason you cannot attend please sign this petition and your voice will be heard. Please don't use this petition though as a substitute of attendance. Your attendance will be much more powerful. I will be going and making my voice heard. I will also be giving Mrs. Gross if she is there the benefit of the doubt and try to find out if this is true. If so, then we deserve an a full and honest explanation in how as a first time Superintendent has apparently come to this decision. Unless I am missing something, Ms Dacosta is beloved by every parent and child in Roseland and in 3 years has had a tremendous impact on our children's education. 

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