Demand that dolphins trapped at the Taiji Whale Museum be moved.

  • al: Naomi Dreyer
  • destinatario: Kazutaka Sangen, Mayor of Taiji, Japan

An albino dolphin named Angel, along with a few other dolphins at Taiji Whale Museum, are reportedly kept in such strongly chlorinated waters that they cannot even open their eyes. These dolphins either need to be moved to the facility’s sea pen where they can heal and thrive in natural water or retire them to an accredited sanctuary immediately.

The Baha’I Faith writings state: ‘For in all physical respects, and where the animal spirit is concerned, the selfsame feelings are shared by animal and man ... The feelings are one and the same, whether ye inflict pain on man or on beast. There is no difference here whatever. And indeed ye do worse to harm an animal, for man hath a language, he can lodge a complaint, he can cry out and moan; if injured he can have recourse to the authorities and these will protect him from his aggressor. But the hapless beast is mute, able neither to express its hurt nor take its case to the authorities ... Therefore it is essential that ye show forth the utmost consideration to the animal, and that ye be even kinder to him than to your fellow man.’  Baha’u’llah

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