Save the Andean Mountain Cat!

  • al: Arshia Dhawan
  • destinatario: Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Argentina

The Andean Mountain Cat is well-adapted to survive in the Andean mountains where they experience frequent freezes, intense thermal variations, and low precipitation. Due to the conditions under which they live, the Andean Mountain Cats experience a naturally low amount of available prey, which includes small rodent-like animals such as chinchillas. However, there has been a reduction in available prey as chinchillas are hunted and captured as pets. Another major threat to the Andean Mountain Cat is loss of habitat, due to livestock grazing, mining, and firewood extraction. The final major threat is that cat skins are often used in traditional indigenous ceremonies and are often considered sacred, which results in the killing of the Andean Mountain Cat by indigenous communities when it is found. (Reference: Save the Andean Mountain Cat!

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