Fire the board and CEO of ICBC

  • al: Gjw W
  • destinatario:

ICBC has stacked the rank and file with incompetent people with the intent of making it dysfunctional. They want you to pay almost 50% more! Any CEO that tried this would be sacked instantly or the business would go bankrupt yet you are expected to swallow this. The true aim of our politicians is to privatize the adjudication and billing. Same as your MSP payments.

You can see that the truck can't back into and side swipe the car simultaneously. Also. the road salt is undisturbed! The striations are my finger marks where I wiped dirt off to see if there were any tell tale marks from my bumber to that door. My bumper was damaged by a red blazer. If I could post a photo of it you'd clearly see there's zero damage on the side. Not a scratch!

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