I live within the Saint Albans, WV City Limits with a fenced in back yard on a corner private lot. I own 9 small chickens who are 6 months old and just started laying eggs, they live in a little coop next to my house that is cleaned daily and they are spoiled and have free range of the yard during the day. During the winter they have a heated coop to keep them warm. Elsa, is a sweet 8 month old Pot Belly Pig, who is basically a dog, but smarter. She is very sweet and loves cuddles and fluffy blankets and loves my 3 year old daughter, Faith. The SA Humane officer left a noticed on my door. I called and talked to him and he said I had to rehome them in 5 days or they would take them since they are considered farm animals. I work in the veterinary field and take extremely good care of my animals- they are more than animals, they are family! Allowing chickens and mini pigs in Saint Albans City Limits will help integrate Urban Agriculture within Saint Albans City Limits, it will help economic growth and create an economically viable food system (eggs). I want to legalized 9 game hens or 6 large hens to be kept in a coop within Saint Albans City limits for purpose of egg laying. No roosters permitted within city limits. 1 mini pig is allowed to kept within a fenced in yard with free access to shelter, and can be walked on a leash within City Limits. Permit required for pigs.

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