Stormy Rich Gets Banned From Bus Because She Wanted To Stop Bullying

  • al: Wendy Schroeder
  • destinatario: Umatilla High School School Officials In Umatilla, Florida

Stormy Rich complained about how older students were treating a mentally challenged on the bus.

Rich told Fox 35 about the mean middle school bullies: "They would be mean to her, tell her she couldn't sit on certain spots on the bus. They were giving her food that they put in her mouth. I actually had to tell her to spit it out because she didn't understand."

Their response: Ban Stormy from riding the bus.

Stormy Rich will graduate next week with a 3.67 GPA and has been awarded scholarships. She strives to continue to help others and plans to start nursing studies at Daytona State College.

Still, is this mentally challenged girl still being bullied? Will it get worse since the students who ride the bus know they will not be punished? Shouldn't the school do something about bullying?

Read about it here:

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