Demand Time Warner Cable of NYC to pick up BeIN Sports USA.

Time Warner is holding its football/soccer fans hostage.
We are denied access to BeIN Sports USA, which is the exclusive channel for many of the world's top leagues. Time Warner does not provide status updates on negotiations with BeIN TV, or even acknowledges if negotiations are going on. Time Warner usually blames new content providers by saying their financial demands are exaggerated, but if substantially smaller providers like Dish Network and DirecTV can afford it, Time Warner's claims sound dubious. Time Warner NYC knows most subscribers will not have the line of sight necessary to install a satellite dish to access BeIN Sports, so are not preoccupied with an exodus of subscribers. They are ignoring us.


Time Warner,

Please listen to your subscribers. Give us the programming we want, sooner rather than later. Don't let yourself be one upped by smaller content providers. Give us BeIN Sports like DirecTV and Dish Network. 

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