Demand Ponies Not Slaughtered for Meat!

  • al: Kristi Arnold
  • destinatario: David Landick, manager of Tavistock Market and Robert Steemson, head ranger of Dartmoor National Park

As demand for young, unbroken ponies has diminished due to economic downturn, the Dartmoor ponies sale is endangered. 

Robert Steemson, head ranger of Dartmoor National Park, is “very concerned” about the future of the ponies: “They are part of Dartmoor’s history and it is a great shame that Tavistock market has become economically unviable.”

Chagford is now the only Dartmoor pony sale left. The fall in demand means about 700 ponies are slaughtered annually for their meat. Ask that ponies not be slaughtered for meat in spite of the fall in economic viability.

Dear Sirs,

We the undersigned ask that the Dartmoor ponies not be slaughtered for meat. 

As demand for young, unbroken ponies has diminished due to economic downturn, the Dartmoor ponies sale is endangered. 

Robert Steemson, head ranger of Dartmoor National Park, is “very concerned” about the future of the ponies: “They are part of Dartmoor’s history and it is a great shame that Tavistock market has become economically unviable.”

Chagford is now the only Dartmoor pony sale left. The fall in demand means about 700 ponies are slaughtered annually for their meat. We ask that the ponies not be slaughtered for meat in spite of the fall in economic viability. Please take steps to protect the Dartmoor ponies from slaughter.

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