Protest against animal testing at Ricerca Biosciences!~Sunday, June 29 at 11:00am - 12:30pm in EDT

Ricerca Biosciences is yet another murderous laboratory that profits by using live beings as tools! According to the 2013 APHIS report, Ricerca used 882 DOGS in their experiments! In addition to HUNDREDS of other animals!

Please join us on Sunday, June 29th, in a peaceful demonstration at the corner of Auburn Road and Crile Road, Painesville, Ohio from 11:00 am to 12:30 pm. We will set this day aside to remember the animals who died as a result of experimentation and resolve to take meaningful action on behalf of ALL of the animals CONTINUALLY imprisoned in Ricerca Biosciences!

Thank you!

We welcome everyone to also join us in a demonstration that will be heldfollowing this rallyat the Lerner Research Institute—a facility that is part of the Cleveland Clinic and notorious for cruel and archaic vivisection—located at the corner of E. 100th Street and Carnegie Avenue in Cleveland, Ohio. We will demonstrate there from 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm.

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