Fund Research to Save the Florida Everglades!

  • al: Karen Epple
  • destinatario: The President of the United States

Burmese pythons are devouring all the animals in the Florida Everglade. Sightings of racoons and opossums are down by 99%, whitetail deer by 94% and bobcats by 84%. They are even eating the alligators, the former apex predators of the ecosystem! We must save the Everglades from this incredibly destructive invasive species!! The only hope is to fund research to find ways to fight the invasion.

The U.S. Government allocated more than $10 million a year from 2006 to 2010 to study and combat a brown tree snake invasion in the Pacific island of Guam, according to allocation reports published by the U.S. House of Representatives. From 2006-12, the U.S. government has spent only about $1 million a year on studying and combating Burmese pythons in the Everglades, which is a designated World Heritage site that is endangered.

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