The Unholiest of Contests: Taiwan's Pig of Gods (petition below)

  • al: Suzanna Hagglof
  • destinatario: Minister Chen, Director of Council of Agriculture


"The pigs chosen for the annual Taiwanese "Chi-Thai-Ju" or "Pig of Gods" (POG) contest face up to two years of anguished confinement, enduring force-feeding until becoming so massively, grotesquely large that they are unable to rouse themselves, let alone move at all, often suffering organ failure and pressure sores from lying down for interminably long periods of time. Their bodies sick and motionless, they come to sorrow in grim and forbiddingly small pens, until their last agonizing breath of life is mercilessly extinguished by having their throats cut in public, and the heaviest pig's carcass—the "winner" of the contest—is placed on a float and paraded through the city".

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